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  • Solid waste
  • Exhaust waste
  • Liquid waste
  • Integrative waste
  • Municipal waste
Special Features of our Deaerator

Solid Waste Incinerators

  • Solid waste incinerators can handle industrial waste (other than metals), medical waste, plastic, paint, polymers, municipal waste, and common garbage such as waste paper
  • They are built to suit present day norms and secondary pollution resulting from waste incineration is completely controlled.

Exhaust Gas Incinerators

  • Exhaust gas incinerators provide stable operation for waste heat recovery at high temperatures. Gases with low calorific value can be burnt effectively using these incinerators.

Liquid Waste Incinerators

  • Using liquid waste incinerators, high density waste water, waste liquid and waste solvent can be incinerated safely. The liquid waste incinerators adopt a patent spray gun which sprays tiny particles (5-10 micrometer) for complete gasification, and low excess air burners are employed in a ‘Y-jet’ pattern.
  • The incineration process is totally automated with comprehensive online monitoring and control. The resulting exhaust gas can be effectively utilized to produce LP steam, hot water, hot air and comfort air conditioning.
  • The liquid waste incinerators produce stable combustion and do not cause secondary pollution.