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Burner Managemant System

The Burner management system is designed to perform the safety of the boiler i.e. protection and interlocking as well. BMS will control and supervise operation of the auxiliary burner by controlling specified operational functions (start-up, shutdown etc.) and sequences, checking & identifying unsafe conditions and issuing commands to appropriate systems or devices to revert them to safe condition. All the permissive interlocks are carried out by the PLC. Trip interlocks for boiler and all the burner valves Open /Close Commands are issued by the PLC.

The BMS will perform the following functions
  • Boiler Trip Activated (Logic in BMS PLC)
  • Emergency Shutdown
  • Permissive for Starting Burner
  • Main Interlock Satisfied
  • Purge Interlock Conditions
  • Oil Interlocks
  • Fuel Oil Header Trip Valve, & Fuel Oil Diverting (Return) Valve Contro
  • Burner Firing Start